Midia Kit 2021

Big Numbers on Instagram

The largest and most complete community of travelers in Latin America.
A team “inspired to inspire ”, through trips and images, produced by us and by our network of partners distributed on multiplatforms (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Blog, Vimeo and Twitter).
We seek to display destinations and tips from the best places in Brazil and the world, always encouraging people to make the trips of their dreams.
12.3 Millions Followers
2Half Billion impressions/year
3190 Millions accounts reached
4100 Millions Impressions stories

Continuos Grow

Top Locations

Most of our followers are located in important areas in Brazil, as listed below:
São Paulo 9,5%
Rio de Janeiro 6.0%
Belo Horizonte 2.3%
Brasilia 2.1%
Goiânia 2.0%

Users Interest

Travel 52%
Photos 37%
Sports 35%
Luxury LifeStyle 29%

Why Are We Differente?

Pre-tripBefore start our trip, we start to share insights.
During TripDuring trip, we show our experience.
After TripWe do produce a large number of content for different platforms.
Next MonthsWe keep showing our content for at least 1 year.

Case Studies